At last I can confirm the first CROP date for 2015

What is a CROP you might ask. Well a Crop is really another word for a social day. Its a fantastic opportunity to bring along your Scrapbooking, Card Making, Knitting, Sewing, Altered Art, well you get the idea, and spend the whole day crafting with like minded people. It’s also a great opportunity to catch up on all of those unfinished projects lol.
We all have loads of fun and everyone is happy to share their ideas and natter.
Your ticket includes tea, coffee,biscuits and cake all day plus of course, a great make and take for you to complete and take home.
This is a ticket only event and due to the size of the hall numbers are limited so please book your place as soon as possible. Click HERE to buy a ticket. Enter your name and then add to cart. If you are booking for more than one person please press “continue shopping” each time as you will need to add each persona name.
I am so excited that these great events are starting again. The plan is to have four this year so keep checking back for more info or sign up to receive e-mail updates.
If you have any questions please email me at or message me on the Ladiesthatcraft Facebook page.
Have a great evening xxx